The NFL has rules and regulations and just like every sport they are likely to test for drugs. Over the years, the NFL has had to deal with drug abuse cases with its players and it has cost quite a fortune to keep them out of problems.

Does NFL test for cocaine, heroin, or meth?

Most players abuse drugs as a reliever from the pain and stress they face whilst they play on the big field. Cocaine, heroin, and meth have been severely abused over the years by players in the NFL. Since drug usage has become a thing the NFL ensures to make policies guarding its usage.

The NFL makes sure to test its plays for drugs before and after every game. A urine sample is provided by a player and it is tested for drugs which is a standard routine for every player.

Cocaine Image Source: The Lancet

According to the NFL, if one is caught using drugs they are likely to face severe drug charges, pay a fine, and also face a suspension. Having to deal with a suspension could cause a lot of damage to both the player and the team he plays for. Aside from being suspended, it would also ruin one’s good record.

The NFL drug policy was inducted in 2002 when worst-case scenarios were recorded. According to reports gathered from  Drugabuse,  the Carolina Panthers have the highest amount of suspensions since 2002 at 74 games. The Green Bay Packers take the dubious honor of second place at 62, followed closely by the Washington Redskins (60), the Cincinnati Bengals (59), and the Cleveland Browns (53). The teams with the least amount of game suspensions are the Pittsburgh Steelers (6), the Buffalo Bills (6), the New Orleans Saints (7), the Chicago Bears (7), and the Philadelphia Eagles (8).

Crystal Meth
Image Source: Medical News Today

The players who are caught in the drug mess are to pay an amount of $500,000. The money is then donated to retired player programs or to other charitable causes as agreed upon by the NFL and the NFL Players Association.

An example is Dion Jordan, his fines over the years add up to $6,920,634, and his annual salary with the Miami Dolphins was $5,143,077, which means his fines have burned through not only one year’s worth of salary but an additional $1,777,557. this could leave him broke with no income from playing. Check out this video of Dion Jordan.

Most people similarly agree that donation is a good cause but one’s drug addiction shouldn’t just stop at paying up fines and getting suspended. They require help and getting into a program has proven to be helpful.



Lois Ametsitsi is my name, currently, an editor at and I have a deeper understanding of how to make basic facts about your favorite players into an interesting piece. For any information about your number one NFL player, keep reaching out to our site for more juicy details about them.